Riding and Trail Information:
Know before you go!! Rules, Registrations, and Education https://dnr.wi.gov/topic/atv/
Where to ride your ATV - Guide to ATV parks and trails http://www.ride4wheel.com/
ATV Safety Courses - June 1st - 10th ATV Safety Week - ATV Safety Institute https://atvsafety.org/ Official Wisconsin ATV/OHM Safety Course Online - https://www.offroad-ed.com/wisconsin/
National Off Highway Vehicle Conservation Council
NOHVCC, as a national body of OHV recreation enthusiasts, develops and provides a wide spectrum of programs, materials and information, or “tools”, to individuals, clubs, associations and agencies in order to further a positive future for responsible OHV recreation.
Online Map Book:
Purchase the VVMapping Map Book that contains over 140 pages of map data from around Wisconsin, check out the links below and order your today! https://www.vvmapping.com/orvtrailbookWI.html
Buffalo River Trail
This trail in west-central Wisconsin follows the scenic Buffalo River valley for 36 miles between Mondovi and Fairchild. Crossing between 4 counties (Buffalo, Trempealeau, Eau Claire, and Jackson). The trail is built on a former railroad corridor and passes by farmlands, woods, hills and wetlands while traveling through the communities of Eleva, Strum and Osseo. All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and Utility-terrain vehicles (UTVs) are allowed on the trail year-round. ATVs and UTVs must stay on the graded portion of the corridor. ATVs, UTVs and snowmobiles are the only motorized vehicles allowed on the trail. dirt bikes, motorcycles and other off-highway vehicles are not allowed on the Buffalo River State Trail.
Osseo area 2023 map
Clark County
More than 135 miles of spring, summer, and fall ATV/UTV trails and routes wind and loop through the nearly 135,000 acre Clark County forest. Additional winter mileage is available, please refer to map for more information (ATV only, UTV's are not allowed on the trail system during the winter). Convenient trail access is located throughout the county forest. Trail amenities include parking lots, loading ramps, day use areas, fuel, and food. In addition, our ATV trails offer access to five county campgrounds.
Jackson County
Jackson County is host to some of the most popular ATV trails in the Midwest. Over 100 miles of trail wind through the scenic Black River State Forest and Jackson County Forest. The trails can best be described as sandy and rolling.
Eau Claire County
The county sponsors 30 miles of ATV trail and routes. Parking lots are available in the City of Augusta, the Village of Fairchild on the Buffalo River State Trail, along CTH G and Channey Road, and along Highway 27 north of Augusta. Clark County trails are linked with this network of Eau Claire County ATV trails and routes, as well as the Buffalo River State Trail connecting in Fairchild. There is an annual trail closure from March 15 until May 15 to minimize erosion potential on the soft, moist soils. Trail maps are available from the Eau Claire County Parks and Forest Department and the Chippewa Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau.
(Click on the File for the PDF Map)
(Click on the County for more information)
(Click on the County for more information)
(Click on the County for more information)