The Osseo Area Dusty Riders are planning GRADE AND RESURFACE TRAIL at BUFFALO RIVER STATE TRAIL. Construction is planned AFTER THE NOTICE TO PROCEED IS ISSUED with completion on or before JULY 11, 2021.
Due to funding, we anticipate this project will be completed in three phases consisting of a one-mile section each. Please submit your bid broke down for Phase One and the complete Project (Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3).
If you are interested in performing this work, please submit the SOLICITATION FOR BID FORM by email for the project to:
Osseo Area Dusty Riders
If you would like a site visit, refer to the REQUEST FOR BID for date, time, and contact information.
Your bid should be submitted on the attached SOLICITATION FOR BID FORM and must be signed to be valid. Questions relating to the bid documents and requirements should be directed to the Osseo Area Dusty Riders as indicated on the REQUEST FOR BID.
The Osseo Area Dusty Riders are a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit and would gladly accept any donations of time, materials or labor. Please reflect any donations in your SOLICITATION FOR BID. The Osseo Area Dusty Riders reserve the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informalities in any bid, or to accept any bid which will best serve their interests.